“I’ve Come To Wish You an Unhappy Birthday.” Morrissey is 47

Today is Morrissey’s 47th birthday — Happy Birthday, Mozzer! Here is a video you can enjoy to celebrate.

If this tickles your fancy, there are ton more on YouTube.

For those of you who don’t know and love him, Morrissey was the lead singer of The Smiths in the 80’s and after their breakup emerged as one of the top brit pop stars of all time.


  1. And Ron loves him.

  2. Whenever he plays here in Miami people rush the stage and kiss his hands and shit. Ron, are you one of those people? That’s just crazy talk.

  3. I’m able to keep my cool at his shows and remain in my seat.

    Except once in Philly when the crowd was really chill and I was able to just walk up to the stage and shake his hand with little to no effort. I just went back to my seat after that…

  4. Please please please let me let me let me get what i want this time – Lord knows it would be the first time

    I love that song