iFanboy Wallpaper Contest Results!

The iFanboy Wallpaper Contest is over and we got some great entries! We loved seeing your Photoshop and artistic skills put to the test and we got some awesome stuff. It was really hard to narrow it down to just two, but we’re proud to announce the two winners:

Lars Brown & Luke Batt!

Congratulations to Lars and Luke – click through to see their entries as well all the other entries.

Lars Brown

1024×768Luke Batt

Other Entries:
(in alphabetical order)

Jason Blue “Hulkingmarvelman” Entry #1


Jason Blue “Hulkingmarvelman” Entry #2


Jason Blue “Hulkingmarvelman” Entry #3


Christopher Cummings


Gordon The Intern


David Graham


Kenny Lucas


Chris Morley – Entry #1


Chris Morley – Entry #2


Stephen Oteri


Adrian Robinson


Jason Schweigert


Simon Wilches Entry #1


Simon Wilches Entry #2



  1. I agree with Erik Brown being the winner, what a cool drawing & Colors (has a Andi Watson-ish vibe). The other one I loved was the one that showed Ron as a closeted DC fan… Great Contest…

  2. Wow, thanks guys, and yeh, I totally agree that Erik should be a winner, I saw his entry on DeviantArt and was really impressed with it, I’ve actually been using it since I found it last week 🙂

  3. These are all really great. Let’s hear it for best non-winner Simon Wilches. That’s awesome. I’m so glad that I didn’t waste any time putting my own entry together

  4. These are all genius. I love it

  5. Yes, I will concede that the genius of the winning wallpapers is superior to the genius that is “Darkhawk Rules.” I congratulate the winners. Also, I would like to thank the iFanboys for having this contest and allowing me to use it to create more awareness of Darkhawk.

    This was a really fun way to spend my Thanksgiving morning. I am going to put all of these into my wallpaper rotation. Great stuff.

  6. Dear Ron, Conor and Josh,

    I thought that you said I got 3rd? WTF? You only gave prizes to 1st and 2nd? Why do you tease me so?

    Dear people – I lied on my wallpaper!!! It is not good to be the intern at iFanboy. I get used and abused!!!

    However – congrats and nice work to everybody. There are some really great wallpapers here. I am thouroughly impressed and eager to put these on my desktop.

    In my 2nd entry I thought of using Gordon The intern to break the fourth wall…but I didn�t have time to draw anymore….

  8. That would have been so cool, and your art is really cool, very enjoyable wallpapers 😀

  9. ugh.. i have to say, i was disappointed. After listening to the podcast, i figured, I’d see something great.

  10. That would have been so cool, and your art is really cool, very enjoyable wallpapers 😀

    definitely man. that 4th wall thing was nice

    way to go

    now that I know where the curve is I’m free not to try

  11. ugh.. i have to say, i was disappointed. After listening to the podcast, i figured, I’d see something great.


    Anyway, I was both impressed and flattered. Thanks everyone.

  12. Hey Luke, did you do that vortex effect with the comic covers Manually? That turned out great.. Congratulations

  13. I gotta say, these turned out a lot better than I thought. Congrats to the winners, and good going to all. Jason Schweigert’s had me laughing hysterically.

  14. I’m glad you guys liked it so much!

    I really liked Chris Morely’s first entry, although it sort of freaks me out (Joshgirl!)

  15. Freaks you out?

  16. Yep, right there is every single PoW iFanboy has ever reviewed…. except the latest powers one, also, I ran out of comics, so I put in 2 Civil War issues they talked about in a podcast a few weeks back

    Also, because they are forbidden to choose TPB’s, and because they only collect it in tpb form, I put a few Invincible trade covers falling down the pit with them…. you know, like that bag of comics that goes from flat to flat when u move and you leave all your boxed up comics in storage… the pic of the litter as it were

  17. That’s the attention to detail that wowed us and won you the prize.

  18. “You’ll believe a man can fly”

  19. OK I went and got photoshop CS2 for mac after this thing to give me more graphical POWER. What?! How the Hell do you use this Sh@*!?

  20. Hey HMM

    I would advise going to Borders or Barnes and Noble and finding a book. That’s what I did when I first learned Photoshop (jeez at version 3.0..years ago)

    That’s really the easiest way to learn. It’s a very powerful program and hard to simply explain…

  21. ron’s right. you definitely need a book.

  22. Yea, I figured that out pretty quick. I just wanted to use iFanboy to vent.

    The ones I made above were done with keynote in about an hour each and no previous experience or manual needed. But it obviously can’t do what photoshop can.

  23. When did Ron say his mother drinks budweiser? Could I find that through podzinger.