iFanboy at WonderCon 2007! (UPDATE)

Click here for information on the upcoming convention in San Francisco!

UPDATE! With panel and party information.

WonderCon 2007
March 2-4, 2007 – San Francisco, CA

It’s our first trip to the big Bay area con! We’re going to be running around like over caffeinated, sleep deprived mad men covering this thing. If you see us, stop us and say hi! We won’t bite! (Unless it’s super early.)

Take a look at the convention schedule and guest list to see if there is anything special you want us to try and cover. We can’t guarantee that we’ll get to it but we’ll keep it under consideration.

If you’re going to be attending WonderCon let us know!

If you’re going to be there on Sunday, come by and check out our panel:

11:30-12:30 Comics Podcasting – Podcasting has become a significant force in the world of comic books. Come join podcasters Lene Taylor and Logan Hall of the I Read Comics podcast, along with Conor Kilpatrick and Ron Richards from iFanboy.com, and discuss the fine art of talking about comics on the web. Whether you’ve got questions about doing your own podcast, or just want to see some of the faces behind the voices, this is the place to be. Moderated by James Sime of Isotope: the Comic Book Lounge! Room 220

We’ve got two nights of parties lined up! If you can attend it’ll be great to see you!

Tiki Tour with Adam Beechen
Friday, March 2nd

Break out your finest Hawaiian shirts, by extremely popular demand, the Isotope is once again hosting the perfect event for out-of-towners looking to find the coolest spots to drink in SF… our world famous tour of San Francisco tiki bars!

Since the ancient days of yore, the great tiki gods above made blessed the beautiful city of San Francisco with such an over-abundance of watering holes of the tiki variety that it makes others weep with fruity cocktail and indoor rainfall envy. And so for half a decade the Isotope honors the great Island Lords by paying tribute upon the bar stools of the city’s many tiki bars. Legend tells that those who can complete the tour are granted the wonder-ous gift of never-hangover. But no man or woman has ever managed to master the great tour of tiki. The brave still try…

Our featured guest superstar for this event is comic author Adam Beechen! Beechen is rocking the DCU recently with a smokingly good run on Robin, taking over Teen Titans, and he’s one of the architects of the massively hyped and oh-so secret Countdown.

Mister Beechen swears to us us that he’s not going to reveal the covert details only he and a few others know about DC’s massive Countdown mini-series. But can he resist letting those classified secrets slip when the intoxicating power of the Tiki Tour begins flowing through his veins and clouding his judgement? We think not!

See last year’s Tiki Tour here.

J.M. DeMatteis @ Isotope
Saturday, March 3rd

The Isotope couldn’t be more proud to be flying in Mister DeMatteis especially for this event!

Last year’s WonderCon celebrations here at the Isotope included the great Grant Morrison, and there is only one man in the entire comic industry who has made a similar career out of defying those same kind of high art/high pulp boundaries of typical comics classifications as Mister Morrison. And that’s J.M. DeMatteis.

Author of seminal works that redefined what American comics were and are, Mister DeMatteis is one of the industry’s only creators who effortlessly walks back and forth across the line between high art and high pulp comics. Among his hundreds of credits DeMatteis is the writer of Moonshadow, Justice League International, Blood: A Tale, Stardust Kid, Dr. Strange: Shamballa, Abadazad, and the incredible Spider-Man: Kraven’s Last Hunt.

We’re thrilled to be celebrating this industry giant who was not only was doing Vertigo a full ten years before there even was a Vertigo, but was also writing the best Spider-Man comic of our lifetimes… at the same time!

See last year’s WonderCon Bash here.

For you hundreds of folks in from out of town who want to swing by the shop while you’re here, either to attend our Saturday night bash or just to check out the digs, we’re always happy to see you. And don’t sweat the city driving, WonderCon is a mere 6 blocks from our front door. Click here for the map

The Isotope’s huge WonderCon Weekend celebrations are co-sponsored by our pod-and-video-casting amigos at iFanboy. Slip on your sexiest gear, fix your hair, and try not to sleep with the staff… your wild weekend is about to be broadcast worldwide!


  1. I’ll be at the Con. I hope to see you guys there, that’s awesome!

  2. Guys, my first and third quarters look very busy this year. Are you planning on attending any other cons? I really want to meet you guys. I want to show you all the cool pictures I took of where you live (in sepia, no less) and the greeting cards I made for you using images and letters I cut out of magazines that I glued onto folded pieces of construction paper. Plus, can I have your social security numbers?

  3. Ha! That’s really funny. PLEASE don’t kill us.

  4. Kill you? Awww, I probably wouldn’t do any such thing!

  5. I want to go to these cons so badly and meet all of you. You don

  6. Dibs. I call dibs on the house in Paris.

    It may not be for a con – but I’ll be in Paris.

  7. When Gordon?

  8. Not to steer this off topic, but are you guys still headed to San Diego this year?

  9. hey guys–

    Absolutely gonna try my best to make this–Whit and I are planning to come up from LA…can’t wait…I talked to James, it sounds like it’s gonna be fantastic!

    see ya,

  10. Not to steer this off topic, but are you guys still headed to San Diego this year?

    Of course.

  11. ARGH!!!
    I just tried to get my room for Comic Con San Diego and EVERY SINGLE FREAKING HOTEL is sold out!

    I mean, it just opened today!

    I guess we’re staying in Old Town again…

  12. Oh…sweet sweet San Diego.

    Yes, we will be there. Oh yes.

  13. ARGH!!!
    I just tried to get my room for Comic Con San Diego and EVERY SINGLE FREAKING HOTEL is sold out!

    Dude, those rooms start getting snapped up as soon as the con ends!

  14. I just tried to get my room for Comic Con San Diego and EVERY SINGLE FREAKING HOTEL is sold out!

    There are still plenty of rooms available in San Diego for the con. There are a lot of hotels that aren’t the “official” hotels they put on the comic-con website. Most of them are a little bit farther away but there are a lot along the trolley routes and they are a lot cheaper than the ones down by the convention center.

  15. I’m getting pumped for my very first con this year: Planetcon in KC. Anyone ever been to it before? (Jimski?)

  16. I just tried to get my room for Comic Con San Diego and EVERY SINGLE FREAKING HOTEL is sold out!

    So it isn’t me? I’ve been trying… 🙁 That announcement thing about reserving hotels today was very misleading.. 🙁

  17. Lots of BKV contributors on that guest list… personally, I know nothing about Pia Guerra and would like to. If you’re planning shows and whatnot.

  18. Here’s just a small preview of what you guys can expect when you come in to SF… courtesy of your amigos here at the Isotope!


  19. Did you guys read about this? An advanced screening of 300 at WonderCon. You gotta go and then report back to us that the movie is as great as all of us want it to be.


  20. Just wondering who at iFayboy is going. Conor going? He has many fans “eyeing” him.

  21. Ron and I are going to be at Wonder Con.

  22. Will you guys be going to any other cons???

  23. Will you guys be going to any other cons???

    We went through our 2007 con schedule on the last audio podcast…

    New York
    San Francisco
    Charlotte (Possible)
    San Diego

  24. We went through our 2007 con schedule on the last audio podcast…

    Ah hell I should have been paying better attention. 🙁

  25. Hey, have fun! Conor, you silly boy, I can’t believe you said on the podcast “what else is there to do on a Saturday night in San Francisco!” Why, go to a really hot house party late into the wee hours of the morning” After Isotope’s no doubt sweet little cocktail party winds up… (say 11am-12 midnight?). I bet Master Simes and his crew will have a party list, and maybe I get you one from friends…

    BTW, you guys weren’t planning on sleeping between the NYC and SF Cons, are you?

  26. Soon enough, you guys can chow down on In-N-Out Double Double….no, 3×3….screw it, get a 4×4 (They don’t go any higher than a 5×5 anymore)!

  27. Good luck on the panel. Will there be videotaping of it for us East Coasters? Also, any chance of being on a panel in NYC next year?

  28. I’ve been listening to you guys for months, so I’m looking forward to meeting you guys at James parteezie on Saturday. Unfortunately, I won’t see your panel on Saunday. I’m going to see Midlake that afternoon at Bottom of The Hill. Trying to squeeze in 2 events in the same day is craziness that my body can not handle.

    Have fun the rest of the time at the Con!!!!

  29. c u guys n San Francisco. i’m gonna be there.

  30. In-N-Out is one of the greatest things on this beautiful earth

  31. First Beechen, now this. I loathe you Richards.

  32. Poor Josh. They have left you at home to mind the store while they have all the fun… but you will have an “Awesome” opportunity when he gets back — at least Preludes and Noctures, wouldn’t you say?