I AM CAPTAIN AMERICA Variant Covers Make Me Salute

Marvel sent a batch of these I Am Captain America variant covers, and it's one of those instances when I really drooled over the artwork. They'll adorn variant editions of Marvel books across the line in June and July. They don't have a thing to do with what's inside the books, but it just doesn't matter. Here are some standouts.

Captain America #619 by Gerald Parel


The Mighty Thor #3 by Alex Maleev


Hulk #36 by David Mack


FF #5 by Skottie Young


Secret Avengers #14 by Mike Perkins


Moon Knight #3 by Colin Wilson


Uncanny X-Men #539 by Dave Johnson


Secret Warriors #28 by John Tyler Christopher


  1. That last one is so damn clever

  2. Skottie’s is perfect

  3. I need that Skottie Young cover in my life! Can we preorder these?

  4. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    Some really striking stuff here. Love the concept. 

  5. Avatar photo Kelly (@annaluna) says:

    The extreme subtlness of the Secret Warriors is hands-down my favorite.  It wasn’t until the 3rd or 4th scan that i noticed the reflection on her glasses. (also, freckled red-heads always win)

  6. @Kelly I totally agree, and the glasses are an ingenius touch!

  7. Pretty

  8. I hope they do a collection of all these like they did for Wolverine Art Appreciation month.

  9. @Kelly What is the reflection of?

  10. @English  The light is reflecting to form the chest star.

  11. It’s a 5 point star lens flare.

  12. Very cool (and excellent marketing).  These need to be in USA Today a week before the movie hits. 

  13. And dont forget her upside down mask that makes the “A”

  14. i acually want the belt buckle from the thor cover

  15. These are crazy good.  The Gerald Parel, Skottie Young, and J.T. Christopher ones are my top 3. 

  16. I LOVE this!  But it makes DC look extra douchey for the whole Superman renouncing his US citizenship incident!

  17. @Superyan  …how?

  18. These are fantastic one and all. What a great concept.

    @drummerman1126: Those belt buckles are out there. I’ve seen ’em. You could probably find one online.

  19. Wow.

  20. Not only awesome art, but touching tributes to true heroes. Fantastic.

  21. I find the last one astonishingly clever! Especially the star on the chest and the A on the head

  22. I love the these covers and their everyday sitution skills! Theres a little Cap in all of us.

  23. I want these as poster-size lithographs on my wall. Gorgeous and clever.

  24. I have never felt this patriotic in my life.

  25. Interesting, thanks for these showcasing these and other art work.