Francesco Francavilla Jonah Hex Strip

If you follow the artist's themes on TWART, you'll know that each week, they pick a character, and the contributing artists all share their rendition.  This week, they've just started on some Jonah Hex images, and right out of the box, Francesco Francavilla raised the bar, by producing a full on Jonah Hex comic strip.

Panel 5 is a thing of beauty, and the whole thing is a great example of how to tell a complete story in just one page.


Check the whole thing out here. Also, check out Francavilla's art in the Commissioner Gordon co-feature of Detective Comics #871, out tomorrow.


  1. My boss busted me reading this at work this morning but it was worth it.  Genius!

  2. There are few things more beautiful than incredible skill on display.

  3. Francavilla is becoming one of my favorites. I love his stuff he posts on TWART

  4. I recently purchased a sketchbook from his site. It was a deal for the amount of pages and the personal sketch alone was truly worth the price. He deserves all of the attention coming his way.

  5. Nothing short of brilliant.

  6. Dead sexy.

  7. I currently made that my computer desktop background, very nice!  Excited to check out the Commissioner Gordon story tomorrow.

  8. Now THAT is something I would buy a poster of. Seriously, the thing’s flippin’ gorgeous

  9. Awesome.

  10. very conveniently, it was HIS choice of subjects this week.  nonetheless, quite good.

  11. He once did a 5 page silent story (a western!) which I haven’t been able to find again, but was brilliant.  His work is so dramatic and wonderful to look at. 

  12. ‘And that was the last one’ 

  13. he should be a contributor to Wednesday comics, if they ever decide to make more

  14. Wonder if he’s on tap to work on Hex with Palmiotti and Gray? He should be after that.

  15. Amazing. I’ve just started buying the Hex trades. Great stuff.