First Look: Superman: Earth One

Take in your first eyeful of the world of J. Michael Straczynski and Shane Davis' Superman: Earth One. I don't want to alarm anyone, but are you guys seeing an awful lot of walking here?  I sense a thematic oeuvre.

The graphic novel shall be in your hands, should you so choose, in October.




  1. Shane DAvis has really improved. To me the strength may be in the colors.

  2. I’m totally getting that vibe Mr. Flanagan "flyings too fast, mom" seems to sum it up.

  3. guy burns off your hair with a stare and you still threaten to kill him… the muggers got balls.

  4. Even though I’m not big on JMS, I’ll definitely be picking this up for the art. That’s gorgeous.  

  5. The buildings in the background are fantastic. I hate when artists skimp on stuff that’s not the main character in a comic. Just look at the inside of that cafe in the fourth panel. It doesn’t look like a generic stand-in cafe, but it actually looks like a place with flavor, someplace real.

    At the threat of derailing this thread before it even starts, is there any word on when that Geoff Johns Batman OGN will come out? I apologize if there was an update on that project posted on iFanboy and I missed it. 

  6. At least you don’t have to worry about him not finishing it since it’s a single volume. Unless Amazon sells half-finished books.

  7. lets hope the walking is a first act kinda thing! This does look really good though. I’m interested to see if the quality of art and story improve because its an OGN. A nice experiment that i hope succeeds. 

  8. I with this and the Batman earth one book were coming out at the same time. or at least one month apart. still not date for the batman one but damn this looks and reads pretty f’ing good

  9. Wait is Superman going to be a sanctimonious prick to racial stereotypes in this one too?

  10. @muddi900 – HA!

  11. Very wary about this, another walking Superman? I hated it the first time, why should this be any different, also is that Superman stalker when he stares into the window before he puts his hood on? Creepy Superman that’s JMS gift to us, a very creepy & non-flying Superman. Is Jon Peters writing this as JMS or are they both trying to ruon Superman together? WTF!

  12. Unless the story is really really sucky, the art alone is gonna save this book. That is simply spectacular.
  13. Smallville has a Junior College? Come on, they had to borrow their one street light from Shelbyville…

  14. I don’t want to judge a book on a couple of pages, but contrast this with a few pages of the recent Superman: Secret Origin, and… I dunno, this Superman just seems a little too emo for my taste. There’s a certain joy and vitality to Superman when he’s written as a well-adjusted Clark whose parents have filled him with all the hope and optimism that the world is–or can be–a good place. 

    But I’m not 10 years old. I’ll be curious to see what my son thinks of this, if he’s interested to read it. I’ve got a feeling he might like it, based on this.

  15. I was more looking forward to the Batman one, but thought I’d check this out while I was waiting.

    Honestly, and I’m trying not to judge, as this is only a preview, nothing here as convinced me to pick this up. Teen-angst Superman. I was hoping for a "first day at the Planet Clark", rather than "18 and trying to decided what do Clark". Still if this gets good buzz I’ll check it out – but since I loved Johns and Franks Superman: Secret Origin, it’s there Batman Earth one I’m really waiting for.

  16. I just got back in comics for 2 years and don’t know much about Shane Davis but hat’s one of the best art I’ve seen in years! 

  17. it’d be interesting to see if this is Clark’s first stop on his adventrues around the world. something may happen in Metropolis that tells him he’s not ready to be a superhero yet. As much as i like the art, this does seem like JMS’ current superman, but is a smallville style story.

  18. Stay in school, kids, or you’ll become Superman.

  19. @daccampo

    I think superman as an angsty teenager fits, he’s got every reason to be sad. Still, I hope they have him turn into the superman we love at the end of the book. 

  20. This is certainly a different take on Superman, but that’s the whole point of the series.  It seems like it will be interesting, but I predict that fans will be split on this.  The good news is that we can all agree that Shane Davis will crush the art on this book. 

  21. In a word, exciting.

  22. Beautiful!

  23. Looks great. How nice that the first page is a tribute to the seminal Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #1.

  24. Ooo… that looks nice, think I’ll have to look this up when it finally gets out. October, you say?

  25. This looks good.

  26. EMO Superman ?? Isnt  that what Smallville is for ??