Does Invincible Iron Man #500 Spell the Death of Tony Stark?

Marvel has released a page and script excerpt from January's Invincible Iron Man #500. The issue by Matt Fraction and artists Carmine Di Giandomenico & Matt Wilson purportedly sees Tony Stark kicking the proverbial farm. That or he's neglected to pay the electric bill. And taken a fistful of Excedrin PMs. Sleepy time. 

Let's have a look at the page, shall we? 

And how about that corresponding page of script? 






TONY looks back at the hologram machine as it goes dead. ALL ELECTRICITY goes dead. The room suddenly dim, everything outside is dark. He’s lit only by moonlight and the fading glow of the hologram generator.





ON TONY. Who can’t help but smile.


TONY               Uh-oh. 



ON THE REPUSLOR DISC in his chest, sparking one last time, flaring up–





FIXED: the RD goes dark.





PULL BACK as TONY slumps down to his knees.





TONY falls back like a samurai with a slit belly. Resting back on his haunches, sitting on his heels in the dark.


TONY (weak)     thuh–


TONY (weak)     that’s…that’s it?



PUSH IN. Tony Stark dies.




Well. Tony's lost his entire memory before, so surely he can come back after total and complete organ failure. Right? 

We'll find out January 19th, when Invincible Iron Man #500 hits the shelves and breaks some hearts. 


  1. They’re dropping like flies over at Marvel…

  2. It looks like a scene from the future to me. His hair looks gray. Maybe fraction is writing about a possible future and tony will try to prevent it

  3. E-nough.

    Since the script page has been released, I presume this will not need to be polybagged. 

  4. “If He Dies He Dies”

  5. look at the panels and knowing what fraction has planned for 500 from interviews and a spoiler in the new game informer it has to be a scene from the future

  6. I meant to say “looking at the panels”. sorry if that last post sounded demanding lol

  7. I mean, if this was really going to happen, would they really release like this a head of time?  Great marketing ploy on Marvel’s part to get people talking about the book.

  8. How could this possibly be an accurate renumbering? There’s been 3 different Iron Man series in the past two years

  9. As long as this means the death of Tony Sawyer Stark – i’m in.

  10. MEH (thats all a fake comic death deserves…)

  11. The page appears to show an older Stark. My money says flash forward scene.

  12. @zombox  Thats what I’ve been saying

  13. February’s Iron Man 500.1 should be interesting.

  14. Marvel. Death. Overdone. Too. Much.  Please! Stop!! Joey Q. Someone!!!


  15. If this is a future death page of Tony Stark, it surely is a very gripping death scene & what a heartbreaker are his last two words? If Fraction actually includes this in Invincible Iron Man 500 then I would defintely be picking that issue up.

  16. I don’t care about all the deaths and marketing. I don’t 500 books so whatever happens in the books I don’t doesn’t affect me when I read my books.

    Anyway, does 500 mark the start of a new art team?

  17. Who cares it’s Tony Stark.

  18. Goddamn spoilers. 
    Fuck you Marvel for the spoiler. 

  19. @AmirCat 

    You hurt my heart. 🙁

  20. Do. Not. Care.

  21. @JumpingJupiter: Me too 🙁 Tony is the man! As others said though, I believe it is probably a future Tony

  22. Is he passing the business to his son Arno?  Quick!  Call Barry Windsor-Smith!

    P.S. Marvel, please don’t go all “Who Will Wield the Armor?” on us.

  23. Iron Man #500 takes place in the far future.
    This isnt that big of a deal.

    Also, I would kind of be amazed if Marvel killed off a big name guy just by having his heart give out.

  24. Let’s just kill off all Marvel’s main characters. Who needs em anymore? 

  25. @ato220
    1968 series: 332 issues
    1996 Heroes Reborn series: 13 issues
    1998 series: 89 issues
    2005 series: 35 issues
    2008 series (current): 32 issues

    Actually adds up to 501. Shouldn’t this be #502?

  26. Oh oh, do they know something about Robert Downey Jr that we don’t? Something to prevent the mighty Iron Machine from making some more movie money?

  27. Time travel. Tony is going to travel to the future to kill himself with an emp. Why? why not. Guy looks like he’s aged to the point that the suit is now basically a diaper.

  28. I wouldn’t worry. It is one Mephisto deal from never having really happened.

  29. What the hell was this?

    Seriously what was this??

    Is this Fraction doing a Morrison impersonation?