Deleted Scene from ‘Marvel’s The Avengers’ has Sad Cap

Chris Evans looks through old files, does some sweet drawing, and takes the train into Queens. Plus, it’s Stan!

Get over to Fandango and check out the clip.

This little tidbit likely has something to do with the release of Marvel’s The Avengers on Blu-Ray and DVD on September 25. Oh what other goodies might be contained therein.

Also, while this is a really great character piece on Chris Evans as Captain America, I honestly can’t think where you’d put it in the film and have it fit. Good scene. Great edit though.


  1. I think the little curly-haired sister from Growin Pains was the waittress in that clip.

  2. Enjoyed that, shame it didn’t make the final cut. Can’t wait for the Avengers Blu-ray to come out, it should be full of good clips like this.

  3. Looks more like he’s taking the train into Brooklyn than Queens.

    Really looking forward to see the other deleted scenes…I can’t believe I actually said that.

  4. I wonder if there was some thought of using this as the movie opening scene rather jumping right in at the SHIELD base.

  5. “The Man” is the man in that clip, awesome. Glad the scene was cut though, plus we’ll get plenty more exploration on this front in Cap 2 I’m sure.

  6. This sort of scene will hopefully make it into Cap 2

  7. Does anyone want me to list the Deleted Scenes on the Australian blu-ray (released this week)?

  8. This scene makes the part at the end with the waitress make so much more sense! When Captain America was unmasked and she looked at him like she recongnized Steve Rogers, I couldn’t figure it out before. Also love her talking about people sitting there to see Iron Man, makes the heroes seem to have more of an effect on the world. Thank goodness for bonus features.

  9. Loved Stan’s cameo! One of the better ones I thought. I can see why it got cut but great scenes anyway!

  10. That’s it I’m going to buy my copy today.

  11. I think it would have fit just fine as the intro to Fury getting Rogers involved with getting the cosmic cube.

  12. These are better suited for Cap 2. Hopefully they’ll shoot something similar for that film.

    Also I can’t wait for Middle Management Red Skull to make his first big screen appearance.