David LaFuente Joins Abnett & Lanning on “New Mutants”

People have been speculating just what David LaFuente would be doing after he concluded his run on Ultimate Spider-Man, and this past week's UK convention KAPOW! gave us an answer: New Mutants.

iFanboy spoke briefly with series editor Nick Lowe, who told us that LaFuente would be drawing issues #29 – 32 of New Mutants with new series writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, who are joining the book with #25 after the conclusion of Age of X. You can find out more about their run on the series through the Year of the X-Men press conference we covered back In February.

The news that LaFuente joining New Mutants is bound to give fans — and the book — an extra-special jolt. If you've been following our Pick of the Week podcast you can easily remember how amazed iFanboy has been with the artist's Ultimate Spider-Man work, and putting LaFuente on this team of young X-Men could see that streak continue. In both USM and Runaways, LaFuente has handled a youth-oriented ensemble cast before — and even worked with some of the characters he'll see in New Mutants. He illustrated a short story by C.B. Cebulski focused on Dani Moonstar that appeared in X-Men: Divided We Stand #2.

Here's two uncolored pages from David LaFuente's upcoming run on New Mutants in an exclusive first-look provided to iFanboy.


  1. ron’s happy… happier

  2. God dammit.  Now I totally have to buy this book.  *shakes fist in the direction of NYC*

  3. Um… obviously yes.


  5. I was so psyched to see Lafuente that Abnett & Lanning didn’t even register with me until just now. This book just rocketed from “should I keep buying this?” to “never miss this” in the span of a couple days.

  6. New Mutants back in Asgard = awesome.

  7. Finally! A New Mutants book I can get behind!

  8. Dropped off the book during the Fall Of arc but will be back for these issues without a doubt.

  9. @edward  that is the EXACT sentiment i had when i read this. lol

  10. The majority Zeb Well’s  run was excellent, and though I’ve been enjoying Age of X, I was worried about what would happen to New Mutants after it concluded…NO WORRIES NOW!!!!!!! 

  11. This book is now must buy.

  12. Can’t wait for Age of X to end. Mostly because the ads are obnoxiously placed in all marvel comics. And so this probably great comic can begin!

  13. bummer. Love me some Lafuente, really don’t want to get into the Xmen. Gillen’s got me interested in his book, I really don’t want to get sucked into that world though. TBH I wish Pichelli was still on USM, she’s even better than David IMO.