Chris Samnee Joins the Ultimate Spider-Man Art Cabal!

A second helping of Ultimate Spider-Man art news for you today. First we learned that Mark Bagley would be returning to Marvel to pencil the "Death of Spider-Man" story arc. And just moments ago, Brian Michael Bendis revealed the artist for USM #155 on twitter.

For a hint at what that pre-bag goodness might look like, here's a page from a Marvel Adventures Spider-Man story Samnee did with Paul Tobin:

Double. Rainbow. 


  1. Oh My God! (Had to be done)
    How awesome would it be to have a month where you can get Samnee on Ultimate and Martin on Amazing!


  3. I will probably pick that issue up.  His work on Thor is so awesome.  Can’t wait to see his Ult. Spidey.

  4. I was already going to start picking up Ultimate Spider-Man at the start of this Death Of Spider-Man arc. But the news about Bagley AND Samnee doing the art? This only sweetens the pot. 🙂

  5. my boyfriend Spidey ?…

  6. hellz yeah!

  7. I think I just peed a little…

  8. @comicBOOKchris  You should get everything since the art change over after Ultimatum, it’s a good jumping on point and suuuuper fun comics.

  9. wow. That’s exciting news!

  10. YES! There was a question either here or 11 O’Clock asking what we’d like to see Samnee on next. I said Amazing Spider-Man. This is just as good.  AWESOME!

  11. I wish Samnee would draw a Superman ongoing. Marvel gets all the good ones 🙁

  12. I don’t get the double rainbow reference. Please explain. oO?

  13. @Mangaman  Rainbow = Bagley  (the artist that started it all at Ult. Spidey) returns to Marvel & for a lot of Marvel fans, Chris Samnee is  a great addition.  This news is extra special & very rare or aka the double rainbow.


  14. Samnee on USM, that’s awesome! Im giddy. The other guy, well….

  15. Yeah I don’t really like Bagley’s art to be honest and loved the new team on USM. Sigh

  16. Anyone know the issue number of Marvel Adventures : Spider-Man that Samnee worked on? I want to pick it up.

  17. @RahUniQue  #57. Has a great Skottie Young cover.