BOOM! Behind the Scenes: Deathmatch #1 Cover Process

Paul Jenkins and Carlos Magno are teaming up to show you superheroes fighting each other! But at BOOM! Studios, they can go further than the ones from those other companies. You can see them pushing the limits of violence on December 26, a perfect antidote for all that holiday cheer.

In the meantime, check out the cover process on this cover to issue #1 by Magno. Those pencils? Stunning. And that’s just to start.

Looks frenetic, doesn’t it?


  1. wonderful! There are soo many interesting characters on this cover, I may just have to pick this up.
    Pencils are just jawdropping!

  2. Man, who pencils and inks every tuft of hair on a characters head? As a wannabe artist that’s just…painful! Finished product seems worth it though! Great stuff!