Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! – S01E07+8 – Gamma World, Part One + Two


Also, Hawkeye!

I look forward to your thoughts, opinions, gripes, live-blogging, etc.


  1. I like the sense of humor this show has.

  2. The rock doesn’t look familiar, but are the other two SHIELD agents supposed to be Skaar and Betsy’s Harpy form?

  3. I think so.

  4. The U-Foes??!!!  Awesome!

  5. Get em, Clint.  You’re the man.

  6. Why is the show being moved to Friday?

  7. What just happened to Tony was quite gross for a cartoon.

  8. Another strong installment.  These guys are doing it right.

  9. I liked it on Wednesday nights better.  But oh well.  Disney XD has been running a marathon.  So I’m up all night since I missed last week’s episode.  I should be caught up around 3 or 4 am.

  10. Great episode. I am loving Black Panther on the team and I was glad to see some good ole Hawkeye action.

  11. I didn’t know Wildbill moonlighted as a SHIELD Hulkbuster agent.

  12. Did I miss an episode, but when was the Crimson Dynamo introduced?!

  13. Love..love..lOvE..LoVe..love me some Hawkeye!

  14. yesterday was a great day for animation and the evening was topped off with another excellent double episode of the the Avengers i watched young Justice first and was seriously diappointed , the art was great , but the show missess everything that makes Avengers so Damn Good.  Storyline, dialoug, art direction pacing and the respect of the Marvel Cannon. This show just continues to get better and better and the banter between Ol Jade Jaws and Cupid was awesome.

  15. They absolutely got Thor right on this show.

  16. fun too much fun

  17. @RahUniQue- I believe Crimson Dyname appeared in the mini-episodes.

  18. DynamO, that is.

  19. Oh damn. How did I miss that. I have to rewatch that Iron Man set. Thanks.

  20. This show is awesome! Some great action scenes. Hawkeye kicked….err shot some serious butt!

  21. Hawkeye was great in this. Also liked the part where Iron Man asked for a volunteer to cross the gamma field first, and Cap told him that leaders lead. Good stuff.

  22. be nice if it were a channel people actually had full access to. I’d never even heard of XD before this was announced.

    Ah, well, I have Super Hero Squad and I LOVE that show! By the way, the last episode had Annihilus and Nebula in it. But the most interesting part was when Iron Man and Falcon went into the Negative Zone, Iron Man said until their eyes adjust to it they might see strange things…he then sees the version of him from this new Avengers show!

  23. This show is very entertaining. I am even coming around on the theme song. Not the singing and that weird lip smacking at the end, but the heavy rock part is OH KAY.

  24. Caught up on these.

    Tons of fun. I especially enjoyed seeing Black Panther fully on the team and the addition of Hawkeye and Black Widow (though I don’t understand why she still speaks in her American accent around Hawkeye now that she’s been exposed as a villain). I just hope that the main cast doesn’t get TOO unwieldy, especially now that The Hulk is back.

    I think that Wasp is my favorite character.

    I also really liked the unlikey pairing of Hawkeye and The Hulk.

  25. Conor i think we are going to continue to see the team go through changes and I dont think the Hulk will be a regular on the show. i think he will pop in and out depending on the crisis. like he has done through out comic book history. The Avengers have to mess with Thanos , In drops Ol Jade Jaws. I like how they have a multitude of Heroes dropping in, I mean If you look at the history of the Avengers, who in the Marvel Universe hasnt been an Avenger at some point , right lol

  26. @conor  Hawkeye just rocks on all kinds of levels!