5th Anniversary Pick of the Week Podcast on USTREAM this Thursday!

As you may have heard on this past week's show, we just figured out that this week will mark the fifth anniverary of the iFanboy Pick of the Week Podcast!

To celebrate we're bringing the show back to USTREAM this Thursday night at 9:30pm EST! If you're on Twitter and follow us you know that a few times in the past we've spontaneously jumped on USTREAM to live broadcast the recording of the Pick of the Week Podcast, and have a bit of a chat session afterward. It's always a good time and we figured what better way to celebrate five years of the Pick of the Week Podcast than with all you guys!

So head on over to our USTREAM channel to check out the show and participate in the chat room

Or, if you want, stay right here and watch the video and participate in the chat room!


Chat Room:

If there are any updates you'll find them here. Thanks!


  1. Awesome.  I’m looking forward to this.

  2. Oooh, sounds interesting.  I think you guys should do this on a regular basis!

  3. wow, very cool. Congrats!

  4. A) Congrats! B) These are always awesomely akward. (I imagine doubly ao for you guys)

  5. I would love to watch this, but I may not in favor of having my monday morning podcast being fresh. Anyways Congrats on 5 years!

  6. Yay! I was wondering when you were doing this again.

    I have work though till 10pm so…..gonna be late. 

  7. Sweet, cant wait. and this is a big week for me so i may actually have some knowledge of the comics you guys are talking about

  8. Awesome! Congratulations, guys. I have fun whenever you’ve Ustreamed before, I’ll definitely be there Thursday night.

  9. Yay, been a long time!

  10. Awesome. I wish you guys did this every week. Live streaming is where alot of podcasts are doing at the moment. I wonder what the disadvantage or negative with live streaming the podcast would be?

  11. of course this is the night of the redbulls game…

  12. i lik that podcast wit the girl reviewer, much more diverse, you should have her back

  13. @daisukexdark: Evie has her own show. You can check it out here.

  14. Are you guys going to break a Naboo fighter in celebration?

  15. Okay…. so I THINK That’s about…… 3.30pm on Friday for me….. Awesome, that’s my day off this week! *marks calendar on phone*


    Congrats guys, hard to believe it’s been that long…. and that I’ve been following since mid 2005? geez, has it been that long since I stumbled across that San Diego Comic Con vid, great stuff 🙂

  16. Great Guy Fawkes day present. Also my birthday.

  17. I love watching the live stream, but UStream has so many ads now. Every refresh starts another loud pre-roll ad. Brushwood has moved to Justin.TV, and TWiT autoloads the JTV feed on live.twit.tv. Sorry, for the negativity, congratulations on five years and make sure to watch out for sharkmen and hold safe your lego TieFighter.

  18. Wait…… Following since mid-2006, time’s merging so often these days

  19. 12.30pm friday AEST

  20. It’ll be my day off. I’ll be able to participate. Hooray!

  21. Damn, I have class then.

  22. I’ll be there

  23. I’m in!

  24. I marked the date. Busy season for podcast anniversaries. Just recorded with the animepacific guys on their 100th episode and a few weeks back was UncannyXcasts all new all different celebration.

  25. i never get to participate at a live show. hopefully i can make it. =)

  26. Congrats on 5 years! I’m not gonna be able to make this party, but I wish you all a good one.

  27. I’ll be able to watch all of it after if I miss it right?

  28. EST is 5 hours behind the UK right? Our clocks just went back an hour so now I’m not so sure… I’m usually up around 2am anyway so I’m sure it will be around then

  29. @suicidalkangarooz: No, but you’ll be able to hear it as you normally would with a Pick of the Week Podcast.

  30. Haven’t finished reading my comics, and I don’t want spoilers, so I guess I won’t be watching live. =(

  31. Can’t wait to hear it, tho!  (think positively darnit!)

  32. It was a blast! Make some more of these planned shows. 

  33. Good stuff guys, thanks for doing this!

  34. That was a lot of fun.  Thank you for sharing this with us.