
Name: Brian H


hebitudinous1's Recent Comments
June 7, 2011 5:54 pm IMO it is inconsistent to say "Support Your LCS" and claim that the digital comic price point will somehow lead to the end of the LCS. 

Those that say comic downloads should be a dollar assume that the cost of paper and printing runs $1.99 or more. That is not true. You need to account for profit margin for the retailer, cost of the writers/artists/colorists, and so forth.  

The digital price point was set to support the LCS. Price parity allows the LCS to capture the same margin on a title, whether it is sold electronically or via print. It also strengthens Warner Bros' legal position to go after pirates who post electronic copies of comics for free. The experiences of the Warner Bros film division have taught them the courts are more receptive if they are able to show a direct economic harm.