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Name: Esteban Pedreros

Bio: Comic book fan, reviewer and commenter. Do you speak or read spanish? Visit comicverso.org

epedreros's Recent Comments
July 16, 2012 4:23 pm Yeah, but one can understand some difference, but this is a lot... I would have given it 2 point according to this site's rating system, and it would have been because of Gary Frank (Story: 0,5; Art:4; Overall: 2), that's too much of a difference IMHO.
July 16, 2012 1:27 pm No, he hasn't. A few years back DC used to publish Elseworlds, and some of them were great, most of them had Batman as the protagonist and every single one had a variation of his origin somewhere in the narrative. Every single new guy who writes Batman revisits his origin, at least the sequence where his parents get killed.
July 16, 2012 1:15 pm How can you give such a glowing review to this Book? I Don't understand. I thought it was very bad (because it is very bad), but you say that it is almost perfect, it makes no sense.