
Name: Jason Storey


darqueknight333's Recent Comments
January 23, 2009 11:39 pm

Hi guys.  Connor was Kind enough to email me and tell me my email sparked an atricle and some debate so I surfed on over here and thought I would throw My two cents in. 

 First off to Connor:  I see how it could be taken that some people take Morrison to personally.  I don't really.  I swear.  I also really happen to like Morrison's work MOST of the time.  I just don't GET FC and I REALLY DESPERATELY want to and what I and lots of us are really asking is if there is some secret code to deciphering it that we just don't get or if it just a matter of "Put this under your tounge, wiat 30 minutes and enjoy the ride".  If it is the latter then fine no problem I can walk away and not feel bad knowing FC is just not for me.  As I said in my email neither was The Filth.  The problem I have is that so many people keep talking about it in these lofty tones and refering to its connected-ness to other works and how it ties up threads that Morrison has laid out in other books and how it really is a Magnum Opus of his Super Hero work and if THAT is true then I want to know what books to read and what threads to follow to GET FC, but all i hear from every one is how great it is and how I just don't "get" it and how mabey its just not for me.  Well maybe it COULD be for me if someone could explain the dang thing to me instead of telling people like me to stop getting so agitated about it...(geesh)

 Secondly Connor never really touched on my questions about Batman's death being a stunt in a crossover book and DC's Crisis crossovers being Continuity Washes.  I would like to know How the iFanbase feels about that and would REALLY like to know how Ron Connor and Josh feel about it.  

Third:  Connor I have NO problem with you taking my email or me to the mat.  You sir are the MAN.  As for being challened by books.  Dude why the heck do you think I am still reading FC? I like to push myself in case I am missing something great just because I don't get it right away.  And I LOVE Morrison.  I hated the Filth but I bought the whole thing in issues becuase I LOVE Morrison.  Sometimes the Guy is like Derrida though; you need someone to help you understand what the heck he is saying.

 Thanks again.  
