


SimonBaz's Recent Comments
May 20, 2013 7:47 pm Thanks for the link flakbait it brought a smile to my face. Thanks phess1 for the empathy, believe me iFanboy is the first place I've openly expressed my gut punch turmoil about current Miller, I appreciate your solidarity! This is why I really love the comics community.
May 19, 2013 6:35 am If wish I'd never had the misfortune of reading the bigoted views of Frank Miller. I grew up in the 80s so like for many, Miller meant so much. The images and stories that are etched most vividly on my mind to this day are from the Miller Daredevil run, Wolverine Mini and of course TDKR. As I am a Muslim myself, when the whole Holy Terror stuff came out I was very disappointed with Miller. For weeks I just couldn't look at his stuff, and felt bad even having his books on my shelf. But I kept telling myself that the Miller comics I like he wrote years ago. I finally decided that I would only keep and reread the material Miller produced for characters he didn't create or have total influence on. I reasoned that a big two editor would have kept out the writer's bigotry (if he had any then) on their superhero comics for commercial reasons at least, so Wolverine, DD and TDKR are again fine for me now (What was I suposed to do, get rid of my Absoulte Dark Knight? I think you all know the answer to that!). In any case I now see them just as much as Jansen and Claremont books as Miller books. However, I will never own or read books like Sin city or Ronin again, because I now feel I just couldn't enjoy something directly and solely created by Miller. As for the Spirit movie, I was never going to see that again regardless...