
Name: Nick Kelley

Bio: I like comics.

Patient957's Recent Comments
February 4, 2013 12:32 pm Dear ifanboy, I think this a relevant topic that should be discussed throughout the comic book community. I just don't understand why you would put out an article written by someone who has an obvious bias when it comes to the big two. Jim can't hear one person talk fondly of Superman without let everyone know his complete disdain for the character. I'm not saying he wouldn't ever talk bad about Marvel but I do think that he would overlook some of these issues and complain less if it was Marvel.
November 21, 2012 11:52 pm I am happy this is finally coming out. I love this book. On another note, what ever happened to Hickmans "Secret"?
October 30, 2012 4:17 pm @filppod most of the books are not specifically new to Marvel Now. They were already there being released only some of them are now being renumbered and some are not.
October 30, 2012 4:01 pm @kenochalek I'm sure some great books are going to come out of the creator shifts, but that is all I really see here. Going down the list I just see avengers and x books. Sure they are bring back Nova and Guardians but otherwise its nothing new. It should just be called the great creator shuffle. I give DC credit for taking risks and giving smaller characters their own books. Granted a bunch of these titles have been cancelled, but at least they gave it a shot. They really tried something different. I don't see that with Marvel Now.
October 30, 2012 1:47 pm At least DC took a chance and tried a bunch of new titles. This just looks like more of the same Marvel with a new banner.