
Name: Justin Couch


Couchman's Recent Comments
April 7, 2011 1:41 pm I don't want to be "that guy," but I Terminal Velocity acutall came out in '94 and the are was by Salvador Larroca, not Mike Wiergino. Wiergino did the art leading up to Terminal Velocity.

The only reason I know this is because I just finished reading this in for the first time. It is a great arc, I was really impressed by Mark Waid's writing. The arc is definitely one of the keys to understanding the speed force and current status quo. I think a lot of the things that confused me about Flash: Rebirth will probably make more sense now.

I read the issues in floppies which was cool because I got to see the letter columns. One of the letters was from an enthusiastic fan named Geoffery Johns.