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Name: Brian Denham

Bio: I draw comics for a living and raise kids for fun. When I'm not drawing I'm thinking about drawing.I've drawn Angel, X-Files, Starcraft, Iron Man, Thunderbolts, Nova and other assorted things.I once drew Obama with a chainsaw.

BrianDenham's Recent Comments
October 4, 2010 1:50 pm


She asked, "how many scantily clad super dudes are there?"

I was attempting to answer that. My list included full-on Front Monty male heroes. That may not be sexualized to red-blooded American straight-as-nails-males but it may be for women.

And really, let's face it, a sexy dude can be nude in front of a woman and sex would be the second-to-last last thing on her mind.


Also, this is a time when people are gripping about Katy Perry on Sesame Street havingcleavage. People are going to get upset about women in control of their sexuality. That's the problem. 

Why would Wonder Woman care if she is in a thong, bikini, shorts or skirt? She's an amazon, greek, goddess and as tough as superman. She's not worried about getting a scratch or two.

Same goes for Power Girl.


 Some women like dressing sexy. Fit women are likely to wear revealing clothing. Female superheroes would be extroverted and dress sexy too. They don't want to hide anything, they are proud of being in shape and fit.

These are characters who are not just people like you or I, they are not even superstar athletes, they are more than all of that, they are demi-god type Super-Heroes with a capital letter and a hyphen.

  They may have some Greek god problems the same as humanity but they are above being self-conscious about whether thy spandex doeth maketh their asseth look too bigeth.

October 4, 2010 1:19 pm

You failed to mention other male heroes in skimpy outfits like Killraven, Conan, Dr. Manhattan, Magnus:Robot Fighter, Hulk, The 300--oh, wait a minute. That is an example of actual males fighting in a war wearing less than a skirt.

You want to make an issue of the impractical outfits of female heroes but there are real world scenarios of men fighting battles in the nude. 

The Olympics used to have men competing in the nude. It was a thing to be celebrated. The human body in peak form.

You are writing an article about skimpy costumes on females as a deragatory thing.

Perhaps you need to champion the cause of women finally being shown in total control of their sexuality in a time of puritan dominion and Islamic control of women.

Men and women have always been portrayed in art as nude or well endowed. Perhaps these crazy comic artists are a throw back to those artists who have come before.

You do not need to be afraid or ashamed of women in comics or skimpy attire.

Let go of your American/Christian shame of sexuality and be free.


 On a side note--

I recently was asking a woman to pose for pics in a action hero costume. She told me it wasn't sexy enough. I told her that it was practical. She laughed and told me that it's not sexy. What gives?


I didn't draw this, but it came to my attention after reading your article. 
