The Best of the Week in Covers – 07.17.2013

Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy comic book covers!


FF #9
Cover by Michael Allred & Laura Allred

It’s not simply the sun and the surf. It’s that perfect diagonal.

The Shadow_Year One_4_Wagner

The Shadow: Year One #4
Cover by Matt Wagner

I love when shadows tell stories, when smoke wisps into question marks and exclamation points.



Batwoman #22
Cover by J.H. Williams III

This is a remarkably simple pinup elevated by some extraordinary 3D elements. Just sublime.


Revival #12
Cover by Skottie Young

The softer side of sinister.

Scarlet #7
Cover by Alex Maleev

Tiles. A deconstruction. A girl in progress.


Batman and Catwoman_22_Full

Batman & Catwoman #22
Cover by Patrick Gleason & Mick Gray

A sexy cool play on the optical illusion of a vase/two faces closing in for a kiss

Red Sonja_1_Conner

Red Sonja #1
Cover by Amanda Conner

The bandits’ pain is not only suggested, it’s assured. There’s so much story here.


  1. Man I love that Revival cover.

  2. Whoa… Scarlet still exists?!

  3. No Wonder Woman?…really?

  4. Batmans cape looks crazy on that cover. The Shadow and Batwoman are great!

  5. That Revival cover is such a great example of cover design. All that white space that still functions as art. Less really is more in this case.