What Do Brandon Graham’s PROPHET Scripts Look Like? Like Nothing Else, Really

Prophet is pretty out there. In the best of ways. Even for science fiction. Even for Brandon Graham. Since that first issue with artist Simon Roy, I’ve been pretty eager to see just what those original scripts look like. That’s only increased as the series has progressed and new artists like Giannis Milonogiannis, Farel Dalrymple and Graham himself have contributed to the wild and woolly world-building.

Today, Graham tweeted this:


Here’s what happens when you click on it:




  1. Dude.

  2. This is fascinating.

  3. Amazing!

  4. Looks like storyboard for a motion picture. Is type of thing common in print media?

    • Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

      Unlike film and television, comic scripts don’t really have a rigid format. There’s a bit of diversity in screenplays, but individual style is typically just a few minor elements removed from the traditional form. With comics scripts, there are some popular templates out there, but there’s so much variety. It’s really subjective. A conversation between writer and artist. It’s not really designed for many people beyond the artists and editors. It can be formal. It can be usual. It can be super specific. Some writers will do thumbnail sketches or include hyperlinks to images for reference. I’ve never seen one quite as visual as this, but I’m sure there are other examples out there.

    • You really do learn something new everyday. Thanks.

  5. Excellent stuff! By the way, anyone finding Prophet impenetrable should just reread it a few times. I was sort of losing the thread over the past few months, but then I gave ’em all a second read this past weekend and, man, this series is just as good as ever.

    • I agree. I also force myself to reread the captions and word balloons until the meaning sinks in. He really packs in a lot of exposition into very few words (one of the many things I appreciate about this book). The explanations are all there.

  6. Thanks for sharing this Paul- This will get bookmarked!

    The recent articles of the comic book making process have been great. This one is exceptional. So much detail and exactness. Readers may struggle at times with Prophet, but it’s clear Graham has a distinct vision for this series.

  7. I had the first trade ordered earlier today and its sitting at the LCS just waiting for me. Very looking forward to reading this book. It was described to me as a vintage Heavy Metal Magazine-like story, so I’m psyched.

  8. This explains everything, and yet it explains nothing!.

  9. They sent a poet.

  10. This is amazing. Brandon Graham is some sort of wizard. He’s an incredibly nice guy too. Met him at a signing in St. Louis. He talked with everyone, signed multiple items and drew a picture for each person. He was there from 6:00 pm until 4:30 am. The guy is a beast.

  11. Boux!

    • You know what I realized? It looks a lot like “Bolix” with the kerning messed up. So now every time I see it, I think “Bollocks” instead of “Boux”.

  12. The seed of monthly excellence! Great stuff…

  13. I’m a little late to the party to this, but Brandon Graham was a “guest informant” on Warren Ellis’s blog and showed his process with Prophet. Really interesting http://www.warrenellis.com/?p=13601