Happy Fourth of July 2012!

As those of you in the United States know, today is the Fourth of July, the national holiday celebrating United States independence. We’re taking today off, so if you came here looking for comics news, as well as the Pick of the Week, come back tomorrow!

For those of you in the U.S., happy Fourth of July! Be safe out there and don’t get hurt blowing things up.  For those of you outside of the U.S., enjoy your Wednesday!


  1. Happy birthday AMERICA !!! Have fun fellow fanboys! I hope everyone comes back tomorrow with all their fingers. And cheers to all the cool news coming from SDCC soon!

  2. Annnd through the magic of digital comics…I shall enjoy new books today despite the holiday schedule! Hooray for technology.

  3. Happy America Day!

  4. Happy Higgs-Boson day:)

  5. This Independence Day, never forget the heroism of Will Smith, the leadership of Bill Pullman and the sacrifice of Randy Quaid.


  7. bbq, beer, swimming pools, colorful and hellacious explosions raining down from the sky and rooftops. what a great day.
    happy independence day, guys. fuckin’ live it up. Raise a toast to our rebellious forefathers and a lil’ hell while you’re at it.

  8. If Ben Franklin had had his way, Colonial Captain America’s shield would’ve had a turkey on it.

  9. Happy born day, USA!!!
    “May the wings of liberty never lose a feather.”

  10. Still not the same without a BBQ show…

  11. Red Skull Hessianazi. Priceless.

    Happy Fourth, American iFanbase. Happy Wednesday to everyone else.

  12. It has a special meaning for Katie Holmes this year. Happy Independence Day to you all.