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Name: Matthew Barton

Bio: I'm a writer and musician. Very rarely, I put my thoughts down at http://trampb.blogspot.co.uk/ Sometimes this will be about comics.

trampb's Recent Comments
July 21, 2012 2:40 pm Uspunx...I see your point. I may have not made myself clear, but I was trying to suggest that there's a little more to Bat Man than the post Miller character that we have now. A return to the goofiness, I agree, would possibly be a step too far in one direction, I just think the "Real World," approach is too much of a step in the other direction, and I would like to see some of the more fantastical elements of Bat Man dealt with on the big screen. My favourite Bat Man film is Bat Man Returns- at the time I spoke to a lot of people who were put off by how cartoony the ending was-it involves penguins with rockets on their backs. I sort of think penguins with rockets on their backs is completely reasonable in a film about a man who dresses as a bat. I think we need comic book movies that aren't embaressed about their source material-even the Avengers avoided saying Superhero names-Hawkeye was 'Barton' Captain America was simply 'Captain,' and even Iron Man was referred to as 'Stark' for the whole thing. (The Hulk was 'The other guy.') Thanks for replying, sir.
July 21, 2012 1:40 pm I really liked it-so glad, as I wasn't keen on the last one at all. Now it's time for a silly Bat Man in my opinion. In fact I wrote a blog thing here http://trampb.blogspot.co.uk/ about why Bat Man fans should accept that their hero isn't just about growling and breaking bones.