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Name: Aaron Abernethy

Bio: Anonymity is for wimps.


theronster's Recent Comments
July 21, 2008 1:39 pm

I just don't get why more people don't feel the way that I do - that Watchmen is first and foremost an exercise in what can be done in the medium of COMICS. To translate it to a movie is kind of missing the point, in that the reason it is such a classic is precisely because of what it achieves in Moore's chosen medium.

I honestly believe that when it appears in theatres an awful lot of people will be bemused as to why it's regarded as one of the greatest graphic novels of all time.

 Take pride in comics folks - its a superior medium to film in just about every way, and doesn't NEED the justification of adaptation. That only bolsters the perception that comics are a 'less valid' form of entertainment. Yes, I'm a comics snob. No, I don't see the need to apologise for it - it really is my favourite artform.