
Name: Troy Robbins


thehumaneclipse's Recent Comments
July 7, 2011 1:54 pm "What I want to see is Dennis O’Neil’s modern thoughts on Green Lantern, not something hampered by looking through the lens of his earlier work."

Could not agree more.  If I want to read Dennis' on Green Lantern due to nostalgia then I'll go re-read one of my old Green Lantern books.

Comics companies complain that they want to make these characters acceptable for today's audience and that today's audience is having trouble because of the decades of books and past continuity, yet, that's exactly what they [the comics creators] keep focusing on.

That's why Barbara is Batgirl again.
How does it make sense to make Batgirl acceptable for a modern audience by making Barbara Batgirl again?  A modern audience never knew her as Batgirl.  So why is it important for the creators to make Barbara Batgirl again?  Simple.  Its because Barbara as Batgirl is what they want and they're using "getting a new audience interested in comics" as an excuse to do what THEY want.

I'm all for nostalgia, but this is going to far.
I say keep Stephanie Brown as Batgirl and create a new sense of nostalgia for a new generation.  Something that they can look back on 20 years from now and hate DC comics when they introduce a new Batgirl.

I want to see things grow and move forward.
June 3, 2011 9:43 am I'm glad that they're not erasing Blackest Night and Brightest Day, but this is the perfect example of what's wrong with comics today.  They try to move forward by erasing the past, but still keeping the past, present.
(Does that make sense?)
April 13, 2011 5:11 pm A new Punisher movie should be made by the same people who make all those Jason Statham movies.  Transporter.  Crank.  (But not Jason Statham.)  The movie just needs to be an all out action movie, which I'm generally not a fan of, but for the Punisher, it's the only way to go.  I would like to see him in the shared Marvel movie universe.  I would like to see how the heroes react to his crime fighting ways.  I would like to see a sequel where he fights Captain America and, or, Hawkeye, or something like that.

I also like that the movie would move beyond vengeance and just be a flat out, "I'm going to kill all criminals," movie.  Especially if some of those criminals turn out to be a costumed criminal, like in a sequel or something.  Maybe Punisher could go after Shocker.  (Just for an example).  It'd be interesting to see him fight someone who is more powerful then he's used to.

As far as who should play Punisher.  I don't know.  I think Thomas Jane was okay.  Javier Bardem doesn't work for me, but I don't hate the idea.  I guess I would just go back to Thomas Jane.  He didn't do a bad job.  It was the movie that was done bad.
March 30, 2011 1:07 pm Johnny was a juvenile, but what's the point of a remake if he's going to be the same Johnny?  Why not just continue where the franchise left off.  I'd rather see a different take on him, even if its a slightly different one.  In the original FF movie he was slightly older then the Johnny from the comics and his personality wasn't very fitting and make him 16, going into space, isn't very fitting.  But I see your point cahubble09.

CGI Hulk was horrible marshak75, but a real life, breathing, living, organic character like Hulk, or the Navi from Avatar is hard to do.  But a CGI man made out of stone would look awesome because he's not living, breathing, skin.  But I do agree with you, a guy in a suit is better then a CGI character.  I just think they should do something different.  If anything else, they could have a guy in a suit, then upgrade his look a little  with a little CGI to make him look more like stone.

wangman31888, the FF are owned by Fox and the Avengers are owned by Marvel.  They can't cross the two movies together as long as another production company owns the rights to them.  And the cost of getting the rights back to Marvel is too expensive.  The X-Men, Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Ghost Rider will never cross paths with Earth's Mightiest Heroes, unfortunately. 
March 30, 2011 10:57 am Jon Hamm isn't right for Mr. Fantastic.  You need someone nerdier.  Say what you will about Ioan Gruffudd, but he was nerdy enough, and had the right amount of leadership abilities to make a great Reed Richards.  I don't know who else to put into the role, but not Jon.

Reese Witherspoon isn't a perfect choice, but I like her.  Personally I kind of like January Jones, the new Emma Frost, but since she is the new Emma, I don't want her playing Susan.  Reese is a great choice.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers is a good choice.  He'd be a little more of a ladies man then Chris Evans.  Chris was good, but he was a little too juvenile for Johnny.

James Gandolfini could manipulate his voice I guess, but I just can't hear him being Ben.  And him playing Ben before the change is a horrible choice.  I say just bring back Chiklis.  If you don't want Chiklis back then Bruce Willis would be okay.

The Rock as the Super-Skrull is a great choice.  I'm not really crazy about a Skrull invasion in the movie, but if it was just the Super-Skrull, I would like it.  Maybe Super-Skrull would make Reed realize that there are other Skrulls on Earth posing as important people, building up to a massive invasion in a future movie.

The problem with doing a great Skrull Invasion story is that Fox owns Fantastic Four.  They're not in a shared universe with the Avengers and doing the Invasion would be extremely self contained and uninteresting.  Plus, we've already seen the Super-Skrull in Rise of the Silver Surfer when Johnny took on all four FF powers at once.  I would rather see the Fantastic Four fight Nihilus, Blastaar, and the Negative Zone.

March 23, 2011 4:13 pm X-Men First Class II, come on -- X-Men: Second Class and then the third part of the trilogy, X-Men: The Third Class.

I think more solo movies featuring characters who aren't Wolverine would be cool.  But in today's world everyone wants the action packed fantasy world that Wolverine brings.  I'd rather see, Rogue, Storm, Angel and Iceman, just for example.

My actual pick would be an origin story for Colossus.  Showing what mutant life is like in other countries would be cool.  Storm would also be a good choice.
October 29, 2010 10:58 am

Maybe it's just me, but I don't understand what makes people think that a high issue number will deter the reader.  Okay, it means that there's a lot going on beforet his issue, but if they're serious about reading comics then wouldn't they want to go back and read past issues?

Even if they're not interested in goin back and read past issues, a high issue number shouldn't deter a new reader.  What deters a new reader, in my opinion, is picking up an issue that's currently in the middle of a story.  A lot of Marvel books have such long, ongoing, stories these days that its difficult for new readers.  Espcially with the constant massive stories that runs through various titles.  Marvel needs to forget the big event stories and go back to smaller, more self contained, stories of yester-year.

Alex Albrecht, co-host of The Totally Rad Show and Diggnation on, has said (and I'm paraphrasing , of course) that he was confused when reading Amazing Spider-Man and then picking up Ultimate Spider-Man.  He couldn't understand why the stories were so drastically different.

I think that's the ultimate problem.  Marvel is publishing too many books.  Amazing, Spectacular, Sensational and Ultimate could all be within the same universe.  How is a new reader to know where the stories continuity is?

Marvel should have different logos for the different companies.  Red rectangle with white letters for the 616.  Blue circle with orange letters for the Ultimate universe.  Original Marvel logo for the Kids books.  ETC.  (These are just examples of course).  Having different looking logos would allow a newcomer to instantly recognize what universe each book is in and lessen the confusion.  Well, that's my opinion anyway.  Feel free to disagree.

April 29, 2009 5:39 pm

I just finished the episode and noticed that you pronounced Remy LeBeau's codename as Jambit instead of Gambit.  Not a big deal but I was wondering if that was just a slip of the tongue or is that really how you pronounce his codename?  A few episodes ago you pronounced Archangel as Arch-Angel instead of Ark-Angel.  All of these years of being an X-Men fan and you don't know how to properly pronounce their names?

Okay, let me help:

Professor X - Pro-Fess-Er-Ecks 

Cyclops - Sy-Klops

Phoenix - Fee-Nix

Marvel Girl - Mar-Vel-Gu-Earl 

Iceman - Eye-S-Man

Beast - Beest

Angel - An-Jel

If you need any further help, just let me know, lol.