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Name: Joshua Roye



A strong ending to a shaky arc. Previous issues in this Fear Itself tie-in seemed bloated to fill up issues,…

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saintbroom's Recent Comments
November 4, 2011 4:54 pm I think a trade-wait is best. If you're familiar with the 1960s soap opera, this series is picking up right where that left off, but aside from the basic relationships, most of the (large) cast is left unexplained in this first issue. I'm a fan of the TV show, so I know who everyone is, but I don't think I would have liked this issue had I gone into it fresh. Like a lot of Dynamite stuff, the art is pretty murky. Which is a shame, since if anything could use a retro, campy "Tales from the Crypt" look, it's this property.
May 31, 2011 4:17 pm Just a question for readers of X-Factor, since I try to buy religion-themed issues of super-hero comics--isn't Wolfsbane Presbyterian, not Catholic? Has she ever been depicted going to confession before?