
Name: richard casey


richardcasey's Recent Comments
May 4, 2011 12:55 pm When the frost giants try to steal their magic box, if you keep your eyes peeled you can see THE EYE OF AGAMOTO and what looks like a piece of Galactus (it's some purple armour, so go figure)

As well as the Stan Lee cameo, there is a cameo from Stracyzinki (infamous Thor writer), an extended cameo for Hawkeye (when i saw him go for a gun, then change his mind and grab a bow i literally SQUEEEEEEEED) and there's a STARK reference when the Destroyer comes to Earth and meets S.H.I.E.L.D forces.

Last of all, Natalie Portman's boss mentions a fellow scientist and friend who "worked with Gamma radiation, before S.H.I.E.L.D came along and took away his reseach", that's GOT to be a Bruce Banner reference.