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Name: Andy Neumann

Bio: Make mine Marvel! (mostly)



Well, for one, this really should have been 17.1. Because the United We Stand portion of Ultimate Spider-Man isn’t even…

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After the sour taste left in my mouth following Fear Itself 2 and 3, I was pissed that they were…

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NOTE: The beginning of this story mirrors the final pages of Venom #8, so read that first if you are…

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neums's Recent Comments
September 21, 2012 8:35 pm RE: Nightwing #0 Spot on with the "bad redesign" comment. If it's not broke, don't fix it. That red arrow is all like "look at my lil' Dick, villains!" It's like the artist just got done watching some porn and was like, "that landing strip...man, that gives me an idea!"
September 14, 2012 7:45 pm So, can we start a pool on which Hollywood actors Larocca's gonna use for these guys?
September 14, 2012 2:08 pm Avenging Spidey and New Avengers had a lot of great panels this week. NA mostly for the witty banter between Luke and DD.
September 14, 2012 2:06 pm Sooo....does this mean that Colossus has been un-Cyttorak'ed?
September 12, 2012 8:24 pm Eh, I dunno. It could be a double duty thing. I think I read in the article about Flash moving to Philly that he was going to be in a relationship with "fellow Secret Avenger Valkyrie." Besides, when has T-Bolts membership excluded one from Avengers membership?
September 12, 2012 7:09 pm So, does this mean that Venom's not going to be a Secret Avenger anymore? Or is this gonna be a double-duty sort of thing, like how Luke led and was still a New Avenger?
September 10, 2012 11:53 am You forget the most important part: Venom wouldn't even have Spider-Man like powers in this incarnation. The only reason Venom manifests the Spider-Man powers in the first place is because the symbiote was attached to Spider-Man and when it was separated from Peter, it decided to mimic the powers as kind of a "screw you" to Spider-Man. You could make it so "Tony" is such a hardcore Spidey fanboy that he tries to mimic the powers that way, but that's just a cheap workaround, because he doesn't understand how those powers work.
September 7, 2012 3:13 pm MOTHER! Tell your children to clean the litter box!
August 29, 2012 10:13 pm I have back issues due to a car accident, so I use half-boxes. When I move, they're easier for me to pick up and move around. I own some of those steel/wire/whatever, shelves, so I put them on the shelves about 3-4 to a shelf. My current apt. has a "den" with a recessed desk area, and that holds about 8-9, I think? At least 8. When it comes to organization, publisher is kinda out for me, as I'm mostly Marvel. I have an Avengers box, a 2 Spider-Man boxes (one for Amazing, and another for minis, Avenging, Venom and Scarlet Spider), a Cap/Iron Man box (Inv. Iron Man, Cap, Winter Soldier) an Ultimate box, a Marvel events box and a Marvel catch-all box. Then, I have a Transformers (IDW) box. Then, I have a few boxes for licensed properties, such as books based on TV shows (Charmed, the Whedonverse) and stuff like Voltron and Army of Darkness. Then I have another catch-all box and a box that's all DC, as I started with some New 52 books and I'm still getting some (Flash, WW and Justice League and Earth 2).