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Name: Music Montage


musicmontage's Recent Comments
June 29, 2010 9:41 am

Looks like you struck some gold.  

 There are two web sites that I have found useful.  The first is simplefit.org.  It is like 100 pushups but it is circuit based training that is multi-level with a different emphasis for each day.  For example, day one is about maxing out the repetitions and the next two are about speed.  It makes each day different which is a plus.

 The other is http://www.physicsdiet.com/.  Like the name implies it tries to use physics and statistics to explain weight loss and weight gain in  a different way than most.  It gives you a way to track your weight, how to do it, and lots of tips.  And, you should do yourself a favour and read  the Hacker's Diet at http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/www/hackdiet.html .  It promises no quick fixes but it tries to tackle the problem of weight loss with a hacker mentality.