
Name: Michael Warner


mikedwarner's Recent Comments
March 2, 2011 12:16 pm Thanks @CaseyJustice!
March 2, 2011 11:35 am I had a very similar experience to Ron, in that I was introduced to comics through an event and I've constantly been trying got re-live it.  Mine was the Age of Apocalypse.  I remember being in to comic characters, but mostly through cartoons, and then someone told me that they were going to kill professor X and erase the X-Men, and I was sold.  I bought every damn issue.  I've never been a more dedicated reader.

I dunno, there was something nice about it.  I liked that, as  a new reader, i didn't really have to worry about anything except for what was contained in the books.  I mean, I knew a lot of backstory, so certain things like Cyclops / Wolverine / Jean / Havock / Nate were not lost on me, but still there was a wonderful simplicity to it. 

Also, in the "someone will die" story, i enjoyed that in this world, ANYONE could die.  Because the world was clearly going to be erased, there was no problem letting people die.  Want to stab Havock?  Do it!  Want Banshee to commit suicide?  Go nuts.  it sort of raised the stakes to a level that I loved.

On another note, an interesting way to look at all this is through the lense of other mediums.  Take for example the WWE (WWF).  The only time things really happen/change is during paperviews.  Titles NEVER change hands or people don't really change their characters during the regular shows, but they do help build to story and tension.  I think its an effective way to tell stories like this and I have no problem with it.  I just hope that as the events happen they make sure to respect the event after its over.  If something big happens (like killing Johny Storm) make it MATTER!  Don't give me one funeral scene and then have the FF be created and just everyone move on. 

Ok.  Now I'm ranting and this is getting too long.

(This was my first ever ifanboy post, btw's.  I've been reading for a while now, so I'm excited to finally join in the action).