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Name: Mike Kuhn



kyouhin11's Recent Comments
July 3, 2012 12:30 pm Each of the regular variants and the chromium cover had their own product number so you could order them individually. I know there is also a 1:200 sketch, not sure about the others however.
September 30, 2011 5:20 pm The original reason I went to the shop was because when it comes to music, books, movies, etc my friend and I have very similar tastes. I trust the guys judgment (for the most part) and he was incredibly excited to have a point where he could get back into the DCU. So I figured, what the hell, ill give it a try. I'm honestly not sure if I would have picked up a comic if I hadn't gone with my buddy. I listen to a podcast that on occasion discuss comics, so I imagine if anything might have driven me to it would had been that. A couple things really hooked me once I picked up that issue of Justice. First, there was just enough information that I wanted to read more, but I didn't feel totally confused as to what was happening in the current story. I already knew Bruce Wayne/Batman, I however didn't know what was up with this Green Lantern guy, whose somehow making a team of green firefighters to put out building fires. So, I read more to quench that curiosity. Secondly, I discovered how severely underrated the medium itself really was. I won't lie, I thought comics were a joke because of the general stereotype they have. Once I saw the art of people like Frazier Irving and J.H. Williams, all that went out the window. Probably the most underrated variable in this whole "get new readers to read comics" equation is the comic shop itself. The place I went to blew me away, the owner has known my name ever since the first time I walked in the shop. He's given me nothing but great recommendations, and introduced me to other regulars who love to talk about what they've liked and what they think I should read next. The place isn't intimidating, the people don't give you the whole "I know more about comics than you, noob" vibe. My friends and I talk about how it's easily the best customer service we've ever received. The thing I would have done if I were in DC's position is advertise in places they wouldn't normally advertise, but are loosely attached to comics in some way. Ad's in things that have that same age and gender demographic of comics like, sports, gaming, alternative music, etc. Let people know that if they liked Batman when they were a kid, or enjoyed the dark knight movies, that they could jump on here and not wait every three years for a movie. They could have very well have done these things, but I never saw them, and it turns out I'm who they were looking for.
September 30, 2011 4:28 pm A friend of mine whose read comics for years invited me to go to the local comics shop 5 weeks ago. I was a 25 year old male who had never touched a comic, In fact I had trolled this friend of mine for reading them in the past. I've always been a heavy reader, but generally stuck to non-fiction exclusively. I figured I'd go in grab a Batman book to appease my buddy and that would be it. Long story short, as of this week I've set up a file, purchased over 30 of the new 52, Morrison's entire run on Batman & Robin, The Return of Bruce Wayne mini series, Daredevil 1-3, Captain America 1-3, several Green Lantern trades, bags, boards, a long box, the list goes on. Hell, I'm currently on this site pulling this weeks titles I bought and giving them a rating. After seeing how fast I was to drop a ton of money on this "whole comics thing", two more of my friends who had no previous comic reading experience came along the second week of this month, again with the intentions of "buying a bat-book". They've been back every week since, set up files, and we all look forward to Wednesday. If it weren't for the New 52 I strongly doubt I would had given it a try. Most books I've read I've enjoyed thoroughly, and the ones that aren't that "new reader friendly" have made me curious enough to buy a ton of back issues and trade paperbacks. So I guess what I'm saying is; it worked on my friends and I hook, line, and sinker. I plan on spending my Wednesdays after work at my local shop for the foreseeable future.