
Name: keith essex


keeef187's Recent Comments
July 1, 2010 3:27 pm what about spawn? it was a typical 90s movie but still much better than catwoman, agreed?
August 7, 2009 11:42 am all my books are tpb witht he exception of two. one being V for vendetta, when i went to my shop to buy it i had two choices, paperback or hard cover, hard cover won but there was no waiting for the preferred choice. my 2nd hard cover is the absolute dark knight. but i had the tpb 1st which led me to buy the absolute edition because its just awesome. my point of view is...if theres and option to read a story you want to read now then don't wasteyour time and just get on with reading it and if you like it that much buy the hard cover when its released :)