
Name: Jay Shimamoto

Bio: I live in Los Angeles, CA.  I work in a library but am not a librarian yet.  I'm getting my Masters in library science.  At my library, I have a graphic novel group for the after-school kids.  We usually alternate between manga and superhero comics, but because of my school schedule, we're only doing manga for the rest of this school year.I'm a long-time DC fan but do buy Marvel books and the only indys I pick up are Invincible (in trade) and Dynamo 5 (monthly).


Fables for the last year looks like it’s been ambling along, not going anywhere in particular.  With this issue, all…

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My favorite story with the Sentry was early in Bendis’ run on New Avengers.  Ever since then, he has been…

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This is the issue where it all makes sense.  Issue by issue I’ve gotten a piece of the puzzle.  I…

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