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Name: emily criss

Bio: i am fun loving and i have a crazy clumsy dog to match my free spirit, i draw, write, and ride horses, i am a good shot and can fend for myself in the kitchen!lol

iemcwriss's Recent Comments
December 10, 2010 9:31 pm @Matrix  i just read my comment over again and yes it was a typo. haha but i really cant wait to see who the villian is. i know you cant either
December 3, 2010 3:39 pm i cant wait to find out who the cvillian will be and i agree i hope bane comes back. but i also had a thought on poison ivy also. i do like cat woman but i just couldnt stand to see someone else as her except halle berry i loved that movie! i also like christian bale in ring of fire. although it has been a while since i watched it i still think there was much to be desired in the movie. i would have liked to see more fight sequences but then i remind myself batman the movie is not. i will have to see it in theaters because we now have no movie stores. i would like it on the big screen anyway, and i think 3d does diminish the picture quality alot. i am satisfyed with imax.
December 3, 2010 3:26 pm i just thouht of something. ok in teen titans there were no gaurdians living with the teens, in this one there is. and i dont ever remember seeing red tornadoe and black canary in the teen titans serise.
December 3, 2010 3:21 pm @LukeB  it does look that way, he seems more of a parental figure doesn't he, from just like an hour into to the show no one can tell for sure o we will have to wait and find out wont we.
November 27, 2010 6:37 pm ok first teen titans is not an on going series for you who thought it was but i get your point. I cant wait till it comes out in the serise! ok so yes i am a girl but i like comics and stuff i am a tomboy by choice. but i think it will be awesome to see what kind of stuggles the characters have in this serise i know that in the jlu shira had one with carter and that superman had one with supergirl leaving to go to the future so it will be very intersting to see where they go this time. And it might be true that wondergirl will make an apperance in the season somewhere.