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Name: donald bohn




This is my first review and I admit won’t be much of a review. I’ve struggled to enjoy this book…

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halik's Recent Comments
July 20, 2012 6:22 pm @theronster I noticed this as well but figured I somehow missed something. It happened and I just though uhhh what? Strange no one caught that. I think there were a bunch of little areas of the film that should have been cut out as well.
July 20, 2012 6:19 pm @thered I thought the exact same thing and agree with you 100%.
July 20, 2012 6:18 pm Also did the plane scene really work for anyone? No one I know liked it. Just didn't feel right.
July 20, 2012 6:15 pm This movie NEEDS an extended cut. It could greatly benefit. I would love that so so much, but I think Hell might freeze over first.
July 20, 2012 6:08 pm I'm definitely on the side of Return of the King. I enjoyed both.
July 20, 2012 5:11 pm It really bothered me how much violence happened off screen. The most notable person dying offscreen was Matthew Modine who is firing and fine camera cuts back and he looks like he's just taking a nap. His clothes don't look messed up, no blood, nothing. I don't need gore it just looks goofy when you're missing the basic movie effects and it happened a lot particularly with Bane.
July 20, 2012 5:06 pm There were a bunch of shots that were unintentionally hilariously bad acting. Talia's death sticks out because it's a main actress but there was also a man in the football stadium, a guy chanting while Bruce was climbing in the prison, and others. Didn't ruin the movie at all I just thought it was very funny.
July 20, 2012 12:50 pm @conor Thank you. I must admit I got pretty distracted at times and would without a doubt benefit from a second viewing! So simple and yet I over looked that idea.
July 20, 2012 11:30 am My biggest problem with the film is that the plot revolves around Bane starting a revolution by threatening to blow everyone up, which is going to happen regardless? Makes no sense to me. I really loved parts of this movie and didn't enjoy others. Some shots should have been cut and others needed to be seen. EVERYONE in my theater laughed when Talia died and it was hilarious. Worst death I've ever seen in a good movie. I think eventually this movie and the other two will blend very well into each other until we just think of them as one. With a little more time in the scripting phase I think this could have been the best of the three. Bane was awesome, but extremely hard to understand.
July 20, 2012 11:24 am I have to disagree with some of these comments. I saw the film with 6 of my friends of which none have ever read a comic and they liked Blake up until the Robin line. Everyone thought it didn't have to be said, and the manner they did it was just kind of lame. I personally think they shouldn't have said anything or just call him Dick Grayson. Why not?