
Name: Frantz Niemand


grivonetti's Recent Comments
May 29, 2008 10:02 pm I´m sorry I really am. I tried to like it, but it was to weird, and despite me liking weird, Final Crisis wasn`t the place to do so. I didn`t want dense and intricate writing, I wanted to get in to the story right away. geoff Johns did just that with Infinite Crisis 1 and even Bendis did that with Secret invasion. I stilll have hopes for the story, but IMHO, this issue was weak. I give it a 3 of 5
February 17, 2008 12:29 pm Glad you saw the light: Nova is one of the best books that marvel is throwing out, and it is definitly one of the most ignored. It`s like a tendency throughout comic comapnys - series like Checkmate, Booster gold, Nova and X Factor are AMAZING reads, consistently and continously entertaining and solid. Every podcast drools over them and every review and comic magazine is giving us a head up, yet Fanboys still go for "ONE MORE DAY", "X FORCE" and a whole cornucopia of mindless horses**t. The Industry certainly started to mature with "Identity Crisis", but it seems that we fanboys still have a way to go...