
Name: Richard Hartnett


energy_ladd's Recent Comments
September 24, 2012 10:08 pm I as long time listener first time caller (commenter?) I just want to say Thanks for the new direction in the Pick of the Week Podcast the Comics/History fusion podcast should be a big hit just like the New 52! Since our intrepid hosts seem to need to bone up on Richard Millhouse Nixon, the Maginot Line & the Mongol Horde I'm here to offer some quick tips. 1. Nixon in the 1968 presidential said he a "Secret Plan" to end the Vietnam War little did the American people know this plan was four more years of war at the cost of 20,500 Americans KIA but Secret Plans are often not good plans (see any plan by the Master Planner or the Leader). 2. The Maginot Line was actually an effective fortification system that the Germans do not want to confront in a frontal attack but due to French peacetime budget constraints it was not completed as originally intended so is had inherent weakness the German exploited (see Operation Sickle Cut). Lesson here don't create an impenetrable fortress with a key design flaw (see Trade Federation Death Star plans). 3. The Mongols not only created the largest connected land empire in world history they also are the last people successfully conquer Russia (in a Winter Invasion to boot!). So a lesson to all you would be world conquers (I mean you middle management Red Skull) study up on your steppe horse archer and learn something from history. Until next week when I hope you'll tackle the philosophy of Marcus Aurelius in relation to the brooding psyche of Bruce Wayne or What Paradise Island and Thomas More have in common (see Utopia).