
Name: Steven Moz


blight's Recent Comments
July 10, 2012 8:51 pm In the last few years I've bought quite a few absolutes and omnibi off the net. Like abstractgeek, Born Again is an alltime favourite I own in at least four different formats but when I saw this advertised i sighed, took a punt and pre-ordered this one as well, hoping that for the money it wouldn't come bouncing around inside the box like some Amazon packages. It arrived yesterday. Full credit to IDW for the packaging (similar to an Absolute) - turned up in pristine condition. The size and scale of these books has to be seen to be believed. Anyone that bought the Wednesday Comics hardcover from DC will find it comparable except this thing is way heavier thanks to the number of issues it contains. This thing is a monster that just had me staring at it with glee (and i don't use the word glee lightly!). My joy literally doubled when i saw it was packaged with Wally Wood's second print Artist's Edition. I'd hesitated buying any of the others due to the amount, but having seen Born Again, I'll be looking forward to see which ones they do next. here's a vid of someone going through it: and augie's review: enjoy
June 14, 2008 1:20 am

great article, enjoyed that.

there's a scene in ennis' hellblazer (one of many, sure, but this was *the* one for me) when the bad guys talk about going after one of his friends, and the way that scene plays out (to a cliffhanger issue ending) had me ready to run out to their defense.

it was a small character (or so i'd mistakenly thought up until that point). all of a sudden i realised a character that had been around for a while and i had no real interest in was actually someone i'd come to know and care for.

think that was the first time for me i'd reacted so strongly like that to a comic and i've been an ennis fan ever since. his hit/miss ratio for me is definitely on the plus (and i agree about True Faith - that's going back a ways..)