
Name: Hiroshi Chavez


UberHiro's Recent Comments
May 24, 2011 2:16 pm @slim  Which is why I think a big retailer like Amazon is the way to go.  They will have the scale to reassure the publishers that the lost store sales can be replaced or even augmented by digital sales.  Plus, digital comic sales tie in nicely with all the other stuff they sell.  Want a Flash t-shirt to go with your Flashpoint comic?  Want the Iron Man 2 Blu-Ray with Stan Lee commentary to go with your Iron Man Omnibus?  How about a free digital Tron comic when you buy the Tron Legacy MP3 album?  It could be a net gain for the publishers by cozying up to Amazon.
May 24, 2011 12:54 pm I really wish Amazon would just buy Comixology and start pushing digital comics.  I think then the publishers would be more willing to offer day/date releases and full catalogs.  There is nothing more annoying than wanting to purchase digital Uncanny X-Men only to find out that the most recent issue is three years old and has year long gaps in the catalog.