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Name: Mike Vennart

Bio: I like Marvel, I like Iron Man, I like Sexy Time.


I just realized something, well, shocking, I have somehow, someway, become an Inhumans fan.  It didnt happen suddenly, but it…

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TonyStark4prez's Recent Comments
November 24, 2008 9:12 pm lmao Matt "oh you dont have to worry about Auther"
November 24, 2008 9:11 pm i dont like prisonbreak
November 24, 2008 9:09 pm


 lmao, its funny cause its true

November 24, 2008 9:08 pm is anyone Heroes Destiny?  is it any good?
November 24, 2008 9:07 pm i dont get this how catalyst thing, but oh well
November 24, 2008 9:05 pm ugh grosss mohinder
November 24, 2008 9:04 pm I love how everyone refers to Claire as the "cheerleader"
November 24, 2008 9:03 pm So is Sylar a bad guy or good guy?  can never tell these days
November 24, 2008 9:01 pm 10 year old Hiro is the same as normal Hiro to me lol
November 24, 2008 8:58 pm ill be doing the live commentary here today too