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Name: Craig Mandell



Huh? What? Que? Como? Seven issues, all equally nonsensical. Grant Morrison didn’t write this book; he sewed it together with…

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It’s a Spoiler warning concerning, the SPOILER! Oh, the irony. Oh, the humanity. Oh, Oh, Oh, there is nothing like…

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Titanesque's Recent Comments
October 3, 2008 12:36 pm BINGO - you see? Grant Morrison doesn't understand the nature of a narrative. Best part of this issue - Forked tongue - NICE! Hope it sticks. Worst part - This reviewer doesn't know where the action of the book was taking place - Arkham Asylum, not Wayne Manor. It's not the reviewer's fault. It's Grant Morrison's "Go back and read my run from issue #1" attitude that I can't stomach. Look at the Wikipedia entry. No one can properly explain who these random ass weirdoes are that make up the black glove. And, let's clarify, how many random people at this point know that Bruce Wayne is Batman including the Joker? Commissioner Gordon meets the son of Batman and Talia Al Ghul who randomly happen to be at Wayne manner? Morrison clearly wants to topple the franchise by sticking his flag in it; and all he's doing is begging for a retcon. Let it come, Grant, because despite what the iFanboys believe, you are the worst thing to happen to DC since I've been reading week-to-week. 
June 26, 2008 10:49 am

Boooo. Boo this man. I put this down last night and said, with all of the Secret Invasion stuff coming out this week, which I haven't yet read, there has got to be a better book than this. Hell, Hulk #4 was better than this... hell, the one-kiddie comic in the back of Hulk #4 was better than this. I read Huntress #2 which is a couple months old after I killed off Final Crisis last night and was more fulfilled. Conor, I'm inclined to believe you made this pick only because Barry Allen reappears for his...what?...ninth or tenth stunning reappearance in the twenty years since he's been "dead"? That one page didn't do it for me. 

 I am usually exclusively DC, but I feel like this book leaves people who aren't fourth world fanatics out in the cold. And let's face it, there's not really that much of a draw to the fourth world. It's rooted in, what, Jimmy Olsen adventures? Come on. Can anyone explain the "bullet backwards through time" riff? 

 I like what they're doing with Libra, but the pacing, and the scenes selected in which he is featured are getting redundant. Since Justice League 20-something when he showed up, he's been standing in front of a board room. Let's get this guy some action. 

 What disappoints me most about this maxi-mini-whatever, is that I think Grant Morrison is taking advantage of his prominence in this project to sell more of his past stuff. The Mr. Miracle mini was two years ago, and I bought that, and I could hardly get through it! Did people read that? Would anyone remember it? Did people read 7 Soldiers? I think they're still sitting on my store's old/new rack, never to even be reviewed by potential purchasers. It's like assuming people are reading Birds of Prey...and who reads Birds of Prey?! I'm sorry, but I liked Infinite Crisis better. I'd take Geoff John's innovative and straight-forward writing style over Morrison's self-indulgent, drug-addled, existentialist nonsense any day.