
Name: Daniel Matzinke


Sonicx's Recent Comments
July 12, 2012 10:14 am I handle my trades like ongoings, read one issue per month, maybe two. In case the single issues are not seperated, like TWD i read the whole trade in one sitting and never buy more than one. When i am finished i go buy the next.
July 10, 2012 7:34 am I am not only NOT ecxited, i get the hell out right now. I cancel all Avengers books after i kicked the whole X-Mess! i enjoy things like not hypes! Daredevil, Savage Dragon, Planetoid, Glory, Prophet, even Amazing Spider-Man and Ultimates. I just like books who can stand for itself and does not need any event or big tag line where i have to read (or cant stand to not read everything, my fault)