


Mhominick's Recent Comments
January 11, 2013 4:45 pm @markish - thank you for your reply and I'll have to check out those podcasts... I was being facetious - I don't actually think this is how it works, but it does cause me, as a reader, to shrug and say, "here we go again." Maybe I've just seen too many ***epic*** deaths, or maybe I'm still bent out of shape over Steve Rogers death and resurrection, or maybe I can still remember when Superman "died" to drive sales, or when I paid the phone company so Jason Todd would go away (what, even he is back?!)... sigh... it's feels that death in the comic book world has become so tiresome. All I can say is that, for example, I love what Mark Waid is doing with Daredevil. He took a character who Frank Miller masterfully reinvented and reinvented him again! He didn't even have to kill him (Daredevil, not Frank). That's what impresses me now. I'm a fan of seeing the character written in new ways and using creativity to tell a story that hasn't been told in 50+ years. Maybe that's what happening "NOW", but I guess I'll just have to wait and see...that is, until Peter ultimately returns. Again, first time I posted to the board so I appreciate your feedback and your other comments throughout this thread.
January 8, 2013 2:14 pm I've been a longtime fan of this site but had never felt the need to comment until now. I think what frustrates me about this story arc is the redundancy of it. When I read these "death" stories I think of all the writers sitting in a conference room trying to come up with the next great thing and then, after a morning of frustration, one of them, holding his head in his hands, blurts out in a voice that's growing weak under the stress, "we could kill "xyz" character." Suddenly everyone grumbles their relief and they go about their day. Several months later, in the same room, everyone is once again out of ideas: "uh-hem...maybe we could bring "xyz" character back." and everyone responds, "sounds good...let's get some lunch." It's all so mundane but it does make me have even greater respect for the writers who could evolve a series without feeling the need to knock off the main character.