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Name: Kearstin Nicholson

Bio: www.kearstin.com


Kearstin's Recent Comments
May 18, 2010 4:37 pm

@Molly  - It was hard to move in the thing though. Corsets always do that to me hahaha

To everyone else: I believe that cosplay is to portray the character, and that means the body type as well. To be as accurate to the character as possible. To which, I have no problem people who aren't that type who cosplay them either, but, just understand, it comes with the territory. Don't be pissed off that "the thinner prettier cosplayers" get more attention or are better "at it".

If you're upset about that and those are your focus, then you're cosplaying for the wrong reasons. IF you are going to be upset, be upset at the artist who draws unrealistic expectations in human form, not at somebody who can remotely pull it off.


Remember, cosplay is fun. More successful for some than others, but nonetheless, fun. Keep it that way. It's not a race.

May 18, 2010 1:40 pm Woohoo! Thanks for putting me in there again. You're so great haha. Come back to Chicago I have lots more costumes :) <3 As for the readers, cosplay is both time consuming and can be pricey. Nothing wrong with either doing it all yourself, doing some yourself, or having somebody else do it all. I just agree with the following: Don't half ass it. Please.
May 14, 2010 3:30 am @Krull - Pfft, recently. :)
May 14, 2010 3:28 am

@Matrix - Did you catch me scratching mine!?! :)

@tenime - Love you Chris!

May 11, 2010 2:56 pm As a cosplayer (and the Dark Phoenix in that pic!), I definitely agree with Molly. One of the things I hunt for immediately after a con weekend, are GOOD cosplay shots. A cosplayer doesn't want to look like horrendous shit in a costume they're trying to show off. It's like selling a car or promoting it: you want it to be detailed and in best shape, not poor lighting with dents in it. I consider it portfolio work. I hate shitty cosplay pics.
April 21, 2010 2:20 pm

@George - Jess > Kearstin. Focus on her defense maybe?

@Selfstyler - No problem, tiger :)  www.1womanshow.com

April 21, 2010 1:21 pm @KickAss - Maybe you should shut your fkn mouth. No need to bust any balls, man, have some respect. @SelfStyler - No you can't have my number :)