
Name: Julian Garza


Julesxsxex's Recent Comments
September 13, 2011 3:57 pm Idk about crossovers anymore. now we're not just talking marvel and dc. we're talking disney and warner bros. The amount of legal gymnastics it would take to make that workable for both parties, i just don't see it happening.
September 13, 2011 3:50 pm I met him at Wizard World Texas a couple of years ago. Really nice guy, saw him do that animal man water color on sight. Fantastic.
September 13, 2011 3:47 pm My shop tried a deal where you can get every number one of the new fifty two at a discount it price, i think the total came out twenty five dollars cheaper or something. but the digital thing reminds me of Sam Goody. Idk if everyone remembers Sam Goody, but there used to be one in every mall here. they were the kings of cd's and related music items. But they're all gone now. Digital music, itunes, downloads, p2p sharing, it's killed cd stores. There's a few specialty ones sure, but not at the same kind of volume or prominence that they had in the late 90's and early 2000's. Comic shops are going the same way. you cant compete with progress. And it is a little sad to loose that aspect of comics cause it was one of the best parts.
July 7, 2011 1:24 am There was a episode of smallville that slightly delt with that. Where Clark had lost his powers for some reason or another, he ended up at the doctor. The doctor suggested x-rays and everyone kind of paniced cause, naturally, his organs wouldn't be the same as ours. Something about superman, if he get's power from the sun can he photosynthesize for energy so as not to have to eat? also, oa should have stations set up all over the galaxy with wormholes that lead to oa so that they have one central office and many local branches.