
Name: Harold Sipe


HaroldSipe's Recent Comments
October 31, 2008 9:45 am

Hey guys - I wanted to stop in and say thank you for all the kind words I have seen around here on Screamland - it really does mean a lot.

Also - CD37, I hate it when there are extras in the trade that were not in the issues myself - and I am really sorry about that. We went back and forth on it quite a bit, in the end it really came down to trying to add a bit more "value" to the trade as single issue sales weren't quite what we hoped and we thought we could catch new readers with the trade. I hope we haven't upset too many folks with that, and I take the blame as the choice on that really fell to me.

Just another note - if you aren't reading Image's Proof - you really should be, what a great book. I just finiahed the latest issue and really enjoyed.

Thanks again guys, really happy you enjoyed Screamland.