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Name: Russell Patterson

Bio: A mid-40s curmudgeon in training... you have a problem with that, Sonny?Married with two cats and no kids, living in the Deep South.  Been reading comics off and on for about as long as I can remember (I still can't get an issue of Justice League of America from my childhood out of my head - aliens arrive as little blobs with a single eye and start cleaning everyone's clock to the point that they turn Aquaman into a mer-man and when all is darkest they call on Hawkman for back-up and he has flown off to Thanagar leaving them in their hour of need.  Never found out how it turned out and it has bugged me to this day).  Returned to reading them in high school, reading John Byrne's run on Fantastic Four and the like.  I kept a hand in now and again for a few years and have just recently begun reading again in earnest. 

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