Name: Farnaz Fatemi


FF's Recent Comments
September 7, 2011 2:35 pm Ryan, though I've already been gratified by watching where you've taken yourself since your undergrad years, it was great to hear the way the class has stayed with you. I am humbled by your gratitude for it. As a teacher, your column couldn't come at a better time: the quarter starts in two weeks and all the familiar monsters and choruses of questions and second-guesses are going through my head; a reminder about the pleasure that comes from sustained focus, enthusiastic reading, and the pursuit of ever-better writing is a shot in my arm. There is so much rich, provocative, unique, and visually and verbally stunning work being made in the comics world all the time -- it continues to be a source of pleasure to understand how those things got so good. Keep up your great work. And here's to more conversations about it all.