
Name: Eric Carter


Ecnassianer's Recent Comments
April 15, 2011 1:21 am There's an intersection of ideas that might cause some problems.

* You're asking for only books that are for sale
* Seems that you want them for free, which means you won't be going through normal distribution channels
* You want links, and not attachments
* You may not reply once you've rejected the book

That means that someone who submits to you has to bring their book out from behind their paywalls where you can download it for free. Since you won't necessarily tell the submitter that you've rejected their book, they won't ever know when they can take the file down.

That means there's a URL floating around where anyone can get the for-pay book for-free indefinitely.

Think you could budge on at least one of these points? A simple "Thanks, but no thanks" or a "I've downloaded it, I'll get back to you if I'm interested" email would be enough.